i drink everyday, not a lot, but at least a couple of cans, and since i ve finished "work" since the 17th i ve drunk more. I m going to knock it on the head in January, go back to the gym, and try and get to under 13 stone oh but ill be drinking on the 8th as i ll be in London for the Arse Leeds game
Im not a big drinker at all, i dont really drink in the house(beer etc) im a bindge drinker when i do go out on it im on it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ive had a few tipples over xmas but nothing major
Live life to the full and enjoy, try and help people who havn't got as much as you, you never know what tomorrow will bring!!!!
mainly just a binge drinker had 3 almighty sessions over the festive period.... black eye friday, xmas eve and bowing day, not touched a bit otherwise and won't do until january 9th for my next big sesh, not bothering with new year
glad to get back to work today,,just to give the body a rest....had a few heavy sessions.....and im though not over the hill yet, it does get harder the morning after the older you get!!
Its an age thing with me - i got back offshore last night & i've never been so glad to get back to work in my life. Hangovers are 10 times worse than they used to be, i'm turning into a lightweight & unless i'm chemically enhanced all i want to do is sleep as soon as i've had too much.
New Years resolution - to drink only one day a week - its all i can handle....,
"If you have friends like mine, raise your glasses. If you don't have friends like mine, raise your standards."
Havent had a drink in 5 weeks, first christmas in 20 years I havent drunk, tbh didnt really miss it that much. Had a bad experience last time,told my boss's boss to fuck up, so I decided to calm down a bit.Never really seen the point in only having a couple, always had to go flat out and ended getting fucking hammered every time. But getting older takes its toll.
[quote="sheworeayellowribbon"][quote="get the beer in"]Seriously thinking about binning this drinking lark after Christmas, i've literally had enough.
Come New Years day, hair of the dog and all that i'm on the wagon.
....................then again, a drunken man has no wuckin forries. [/quote]
man , ive been on the sause since god invented cider ,, seriously , even when ive been fighting , ive justified drinking after a work out ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not good at all