^^^^^^ lol ......theyre like buses.....you wait for ages etc etc ..................just waiting on mr reetlike coming online and giving me his pp addy....cash burning a hole !!!!!!
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I can only conclude im being ignored.......pms sent and the recipient has been online since so id assume pms read but no reply.......are you thinking of seing how it goes with your ebay auction befoore replying to me (surely not !!!!!!! shock horror) ...........the previous owner passed it on to you at the price he paid but it looks as if your using your offer to end the auction for the price paid by you from Court as a safety net incase your ebay doesnt bear fruit....fukin bad craic if thats whats happening.....i hope im not correct in thinking this but thats the way it looks......1.5 hours left till the ebay 12th rule is null n void......dissapointing........or have you been busy ????....you received and read my pms to you over on osti telling you i had sent you pms here in which ive told you ill take the jacket and to send me your paypal addy.....surely you could find a moment to reply......i hope you honour your offer to sell it here for the price you paid as you said you would...or do you think its worth fuking off a member on here to try and scrape a few quid possible profit on ebay.
Contact had been made via another member and I'm told alreetlike will sell me the jacket....he hasn't been able to access the forum is what I've been told and I'm happy enough with that.