Leaving for London in 30mins..Can't fucking wait!!Come on the Alex!!
have a good 'un ...
Hope you do it ross got some money on yous,have a good one great weather for it,im off to work.great.....
Have A Good Day Ross...
good luck ross
All the best Ross, have a good day.
Won 2-0 lads!!Well deserved 19 unbeatenMy neighbour young nick Powell scored a wonder goal and looks like he's going united for 6 million!15.000 there for Crewe..which is good for the size of the town..outnumbered Cheltenham by 2:1 Pompey, Sheffield United & Coventry away next year..loads of Northern local games as well..Made up! And I'm Burnt to fuck! It was roasting! Some Crewe lad got on the pitch after we scored our 2nd wasn't shown on the telly though they panned it across! Ha ha.
First goal was a gem. Enjoyed the match.