Saw bits of the first half which was aweful but bearing in mind the heat it was no surprise. Caught the pens at the end, thought you were gonna be there all day at one point. Glad you had good day bar the result Steve.
Quote by HammertimeSaw bits of the first half which was aweful but bearing in mind the heat it was no surprise. Caught the pens at the end, thought you were gonna be there all day at one point. Glad you had good day bar the result Steve.
Suffering today havin been baked in 30 degree heat for nearly 3 hours. Nightmare journeys down and back on the coach and the pricks at wembley shut the drink counters at HT so we were all dying a thirst.
Quote by wadeylack of fire power was very evident....geniunly gutted for you Steve...not a very good way to loose out
Thanks WADEY & J For The PM... I Had A Top Day Out With Mr Cowens & The Mosbrough Blades.. & My Mate Who I'd Planned On Going With Was Badly So Ended Up Escorting His Niece (Who's 42 & A Very Good Freind Of Mine Before You Get The Wrong Idea...) Round Wembley..
Quote by Mersons BookieSuffering today havin been baked in 30 degree heat for nearly 3 hours. Nightmare journeys down and back on the coach and the pricks at wembley shut the drink counters at HT so we were all dying a thirst.
Oh and we lost (again)
Morning Phil.. The Usual Great Day Out & Wrong Result Syndrome Again.. We Didn't Get To The Green Man While Gone 2 Due To The Accident At Junction 10.. So Headed Straight Into The Staduim For A Few Beers Also Managed Another Beer At Half Time..
Quote by OFFHandAye Steve unlucky pal seems the Blades and Wembley just dont mix well. Aside from the result cant beat a day out at Wembley, Well done Huddersfield.
Aye Steve that accident put a real spanner in the works. All plans went out the window. Plus our coach was struggling with aircon and trying to get up the slightest hills
Huddersfield fans must be some one of the most miserable out there, even after the game the few we met hardly cracked a smile. All they talked about was losing Rhodes (who didn't make a peep all game)
Genuinely think it was the worst game of football I've ever seen. I'd have fancied our York to beat both teams (nice of us to lend you our home ground too!)
Cousins a blade and I've been a couple of times this season so gutted for the lads on here. Think you'll be alright next year if you can get a decent striker in.
When The News About The Crash Came Through Phil We Came Off The M1 & Wentt Along The A5 & Re Joined The M1 At Jucntion 9 But That Took Nearly 2 Hour.. But Steve Cowens Had Booked Our Coach To Park In The Green Man & By The Time We Arrived The Boozer Was Rammed Inside & Out.. So We Heading Straight Into The Stadium & After We Came Out Soon As Simmo Missed...
poor game really, Maguire played well and it will be a real sgame if we lose him. started off in the green man but fucked it off after an hour or so, too many divvys in there and far too organise with roided bouncers walkung round the joint. ended up at the sportd bar, was alright in there as met up with some older lot.
Wembley is shit. stopping selling drinks at half time, in that baking fucking heat, are they OK?
Similar story Ellis. We came off M1 and went down M40, only problem was 40'000 other coaches had done the same. Got to Wembley about 2.15, just enough time for a few turbo snakebites. Then it took over an hour to get out of Wembley car park, very sobering getting beat on pens like that!
Always a few idiots about. Chucking glass beer bottles around at service stations and generally being cunts. Avoided the usual morons and went on a coach I knew would have families and your regular flag wavers on, not worth the bother.
Have a good one today pal, take your factor 40, I look like Zoodberg today!
Quote by sheff-utd-567where did you end up drinking Steve and Phil?
We Parked Up About 2ish In The Green Man Car Park & Went Into Wembley For A Beer Ellis.. But Stopped In The Green Man While 7 O'Clock After The Game & Then Got Back In Mosborough For 11 & Got Home Around 12ish After A Few More..
Quote by Mersons BookieSimilar story Ellis. We came off M1 and went down M40, only problem was 40'000 other coaches had done the same. Got to Wembley about 2.15, just enough time for a few turbo snakebites. Then it took over an hour to get out of Wembley car park, very sobering getting beat on pens like that!
Always a few idiots about. Chucking glass beer bottles around at service stations and generally being cunts. Avoided the usual morons and went on a coach I knew would have families and your regular flag wavers on, not worth the bother.
Have a good one today pal, take your factor 40, I look like Zoodberg today!
Yeah got a fucking good tan now! Glad you and Steve both had a good un with the exception of the result
Quote by Mersons BookieSimilar story Ellis. We came off M1 and went down M40, only problem was 40'000 other coaches had done the same. Got to Wembley about 2.15, just enough time for a few turbo snakebites. Then it took over an hour to get out of Wembley car park, very sobering getting beat on pens like that!
Always a few idiots about. Chucking glass beer bottles around at service stations and generally being cunts. Avoided the usual morons and went on a coach I knew would have families and your regular flag wavers on, not worth the bother.
Have a good one today pal, take your factor 40, I look like Zoodberg today!
Yeah got a fucking good tan now! Glad you and Steve both had a good un with the exception of the result
Hope You Had A Good Day Aswell Ellis.. Here's To SUFC League 1 Champions Next Season..
Quote by Mersons BookieSimilar story Ellis. We came off M1 and went down M40, only problem was 40'000 other coaches had done the same. Got to Wembley about 2.15, just enough time for a few turbo snakebites. Then it took over an hour to get out of Wembley car park, very sobering getting beat on pens like that!
Always a few idiots about. Chucking glass beer bottles around at service stations and generally being cunts. Avoided the usual morons and went on a coach I knew would have families and your regular flag wavers on, not worth the bother.
Have a good one today pal, take your factor 40, I look like Zoodberg today!
Yeah got a fucking good tan now! Glad you and Steve both had a good un with the exception of the result
Hope You Had A Good Day Aswell Ellis.. Here's To SUFC League 1 Champions Next Season..
Yeah the usual pal, good day apart from the result. Hope so! I'm living up in Sheffield at the start of September so I'll be making a lot more matches. I'll drag Jon (Spence) along with me too.