I do the Thursday for 10 days trick. I put an ambitious buy it now price with best offer, if someone sends me a best offer with a decent price, I'll message them saying I'll accept it but could they do a PPG or bank transfer, saves fees!
That's a good one. Wish I had done that recently. Sold something and the guy is saying it will probably be too small for him and can he have a refund. I would say no it's your problem but worried he might just take a blade to it and say it was damaged.
Be careful ending on Bank Holiday weekends or if there's a big event on TV (England game, reality show final etc :-( ) as it'll be a smaller audience at the time of the finish. Never put a reserve as it puts people right off. Always try to offer postage is another big one, I sell loads of bikes and stuff and it's surprising how easy it is to get things to Europe undamaged...
Tbh I really dont think it matters that much anymore what with the ebay tools around, Albeit there are those that are watching that much that yes occasionally they might miss their end time and forget about an item
I always say 'please bid early as I will end the auction early if it hasn't achieved a decent price'. Seems to attract some more bids.
Any more?
That puts a lot of people off including me.
Fari enough but I think it stops people waiting around till the last minute hoping for something for pennies. Then they miss out on it when they actually would have paid more.
False advertising, list a stone island jacket but then send them a box of matches. You then have you're jacket and money to buy trainers to wear with it. Thank me later
I sold a coat Tuesday night buyer didn't pay til Wednesday at 5pm. I posted on the thursday then i get an arsey message of the cunt friday morning at 9.34 am asking where it is? cos it hasn't arrived yet about 19 hours after i posted it! Tosser.
I try to make em end about Thursday 9pm. People either been paid that day or will be on Friday.
Putting auctions up on Friday & Saturday nights won't be as successful, people probably out on't razz. Just gotta change your perspective from being a seller for a few mins.
Quote by Donny.I try to make em end about Thursday 9pm. People either been paid that day or will be on Friday.
Putting auctions up on Friday & Saturday nights won't be as successful, people probably out on't razz. Just gotta change your perspective from being a seller for a few mins.
Depends on your target audience. For casual clobber yes the younger guys are out but the olders guys the late 30 and 40 somethigs are mlore likely to be at home IMO. They don't go out as often.......
Quote by Wxm1872I do the Thursday for 10 days trick. I put an ambitious buy it now price with best offer, if someone sends me a best offer with a decent price, I'll message them saying I'll accept it but could they do a PPG or bank transfer, saves fees!
i do this all the time, sold loads over the last month not paid a penny in ebay/paypal fees
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Looking for a quick bit of help regarding Shipping, looking to sell a jacket and been enquiered by a lad who lives in russia , Obviously i live in england would it cost me a bomb to ship it out ? Bit of a novice on ebay.
I wouldnt post to russia anymore,sold a jkt he said it didnt turn up despite having proof arrived in country with a signature and ebay still ruled for him,,,cunts.....