I am back into martial arts again and have started the Israeli self defence one Krav Maga. Fackin superb, and good for us older gents!! anyone else given it a go??
The school where I practice B. Jiu Jitsu there is a former Israeli soldier who practiced it in his time in the Israeli Army... a very good art for close quarters combat.
Superb small weapons (knifes etc) training as well.
Quote by NunoThe school where I practice B. Jiu Jitsu there is a former Israeli soldier who practiced it in his time in the Israeli Army... a very good art for close quarters combat.
Superb small weapons (knifes etc) training as well.
Good luck with it.
Cheers, done karate & kick boxing (karate 20odd years ago), this KM is good though aleady worked with kubotans ( the small stick for pressure point work).
Wonderful thing about Kubotans is that once you know the points to strike or pressure... a small flashlight (on keychain) or a pen will do the job considering carrying an actual small Kubotan is illegal is some parts.
yeah all sorted using specially made pens!! the fighting style is very different to what i was use to as its all about reacting to situations, calmly but with brutal force! As i said it helps us older types as i am 46 now!! haha.
Practiced about 4 years Krav Maga, stopped this year but will deffo go for it next season. My next professor also teaches Cистема (Systema) which are top technics from Russian army.
20 odd yrs ago I worked at a leisure centre in Nottingham and a group of blokes(organised) used to book the Theatre that was attached fo r "Training" at real obscure times (7-8am or 10-11pm night) I used to sneak in the lighting /electrics box at the back and watch them . That was all KM style I spoke to one of them who said it was "Tiger style" for close quaters fighting-crowds-pubs-?football but he said they only had 3 areas of attack - the eyes , oesophagus (throat) and groin area but included pressure points ......... they were absolute psychopaths . Still think it was Km as they battons(small) wooden knifes etc. Nutters.
"I live for myself and answer to no one." ~ Steve McQueen. " I wear what I like and I like what I wear." ~ Adam. " It's always been just part of the culture. Growing up, for most working-class kids, is all about football, music and clothes. You might not have much money, but whatever you have got, you're going to look good." ~ Weller.