the shdow magneto? what's the pit to pit on a xxl?
Zitat von OFFHandList will be updated with pictures and measurementsSS10 mille, size 50 NavyStone island Shadow Harrington, David Teflon, Zip closure to arm, shadow Badge, Size XXL, BeigeStone Island SS09 Ink Multipocket long version, Size XLVintage Stone Island muslin Black long 2 pocket parkaAlbam Trail Parka, Burnt Orange, Size 2 23pit80s Casual seafarer jacket,. Burgundy, Size XLStone Island Shadow magneto, Orange Size XXLMastrum Carbon coated field jacket with removable grey inner, Size XL, 24 pit. Shadow Goretex Pro-Shell grey shoulder panel, Size XL 24.5 pitGarbstore Woodland Racer, Royal blue.. (SOLD)Wood Wood stockholm jacket, royal blue, mustard lining, size XLStone Island Denims reversible hooded zip, size XLAdidas Avus rare,. size 10Adidas Carrera, size 10Adidas 1609er dublin c/w size 10Adidas Jeans, 04 claret, powder blue, blue/red, burgundy flavours of the world. size 9/10Adidas Stockholm, size 8.5 Adidas london consortium, size 9Adidas La trainer blue/yellow size 9Adidas Og Dublin, yugoslavia size 9 Clarks Minster Moor, Og not reissue, size 8.5, fit 9many more to come, any interest pm and will sort pics, measurements etc...
update this list ja,with prices
Jeans - Flavours of the world. They are a 9 or a 10 Ja?
I wouldn´t mind those powder blue Jeans if they´re a size 9
You still got the Stockholms Ja? What sort of nick are they in?Let me know matey and we'll do a deal.
said it before on found............... i want that Ma Strum field in large !!zx6rpro
Zitat von jack5Jeans - Flavours of the world. They are a 9 or a 10 Ja?
Jeans are 10, I find these small fitting usually take 9 in Adi
How much for the londons ja?
Too Much Fighting On The Dancefloor
Zitat von OFFHandZitat von jack5Jeans - Flavours of the world. They are a 9 or a 10 Ja?Jeans are 10, I find these small fitting usually take 9 in Adi
Both jeans or just the flavours of the world?