Anyone else had any problems of late ? My internet has been in and out for about two weeks now , changed my filter and cable , but still seems fucked , think i'll switch to virgin , anyone ?
ye mine is sick to death of the fuckin thing keeps goin on to standbye takes bloody ages to reset .. i rang sky complaned and said i am changin to virgin put through to some sales guy who asked me what package i had been offered .i bullshited him and got my bill halfed they matched the offer i had through my door junkmail contract a good deal also sent a engineer out changed a few cables fucked about with the dish .all appears well now ..
been playing up for a while now , spoke to sky who were fuck all help .. hopefully with the new fibre optic line fitted in my area my internet will be much better ..
Hav been moaning to them for ages about there shite speed, spoke to at IT geek and he said thy don't use fiber optic cables on new estates, just shite bt lines.