Werbung: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251212012190?s...984.m1558.l2649See other items and PM me if interested in any of it
Shame that Cabourn isn't a 50, it's a cracker.
Quality mate! Any measurements for it by any chance?
they are VERY small sized Ian
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
^^^ the NC shirt is 22-23 inch pit to pit maximum, I will check later ;-)
Moncler sold now after unprecedented interest :-)
Cabourn shirt now gone but more gear going up tonight in winter clear out :-)
FUCK how much did you get for the moncler if you don't mind me asking mate ?
^^^ £75
More trainers and bits added, open to offers obviously to avoid paying 14% in fees to eBay and Paypal ;-)