No snow at all down here. Is still freezing though.
bought a new sledge ready for sunday morning. cant wait.
Here in Derbyshire it's put down approximately 3/4 inch and yet people panic like it's a Siberian blizzard.Anyway, I'm ready if it worsens over the weekend.
Youll need to straighten them goggles up, that is unless your share the same good looks of sloth from goonies.
You mean the 'lenses'. I fucking detest the term that is goggles. And it's difficult to photograph the jacket zipped up. The wife offered to take a pic of my good self wearing it but I didn't want to appear like a numpty on a facebook group.
And here come the snow again
I left Rio yesterday , it was in late 30's .. arrived home this afternoon - and by fuck is it cold !!!!!!
What is it do in rio Steve if you dont mind me asking? Warm white sand to cold white snow fuck that
work for an Oil company there ..