Just for pleasure Dave? or trying your hand at the old ones and two's [grin} If for the shop even go for something aesthetic, there are some lovely Bose one's, people will probably recommend Technics but i would stay away unless buying for Djing, Concentrate more on the best cartridge and needle and sound as opposed to turntable. Even look down the custom route, I know a guy who owns a music shop and he gets some very nice ones in if just for home listening
Concentrate more on the cartridge Dave for quality and amp wise the older the better imo for crisp sound, The old vintage Marantz still look great and lovely sound, Speaker wise aslong as matches output you wont go wrong, presuming your vinyl is in tip top condition and not scratched the hell out of like half of mine :) What vinyl you got out of interest?
Been looking at some pre owned stuff Ja. Customer recommended an old Linn turntable but there like hens teeth and hooring pricey. Nothing major in the records front mate just your standard mix of tunes mostly bands.
Well, I tell them there's no problem Only solutions
[URL=http://www.superfi.co.uk/c-182-turntables.aspx?sm=continue&fltpagedata=order=|ASC|&fltsrcattrcbx=last=||item=|Brand|item=|AwardWinner|item=|Price|item=|BestSeller|item=|StarRating|item=|Manufacturer|item=|VariantHIDs|item=|YouSave|add=|Brand|Pro-Ject&gclid=CI-SnaWGs7UCFVDMtAodbxQAsg&]these normally get good reviews Dave[/URL] I bought a Tarantella Pink Triangle many years ago, but they went bust, and I could nt get it repaired(it cost around £2000 all in). The stylus cost £120 everytime I fucked it up though. Teamed with an Arcam amp, and B&W speakers, the sound was superb, but for some reason it plays 33s too fast, and the higher end turntables dont usually have "pitch" control.
As said above, the cartridge/stylus is important as the turntable. I got some new cartridges recently for my Technics and the difference in sound quality was noticeable (granted, I hadnt changed the styli on my old cartridge for years!).