Sick of being let down by one team so just a couple of singles for me...Man shitty to beat wolvesArsenal to score at least 4 at west hamAnd chelsea ht-ft
Two tears in a bucket fuck it
I gone for 5 team accumulatordont usually bother with footy for same reason, but banged a £30 lucky 15 on the horses
Fook me i can stop a train if anyone wants to make some money just do the opposite to me
Zitat von dazmFook me i can stop a train if anyone wants to make some money just do the opposite to me
Man city
Fooking 10 quid 5 team accum and man city let me down, fook it no more
Small bet on west ham and stoke today for me both to big a price i think
good opportunity for some giant killing bets, big prices, tempted by a few bets today, Kauto star running too, safe bet, so might lay a big bet
Yeah cant see kauto getting beat today
Good bet on chelsea HT-FT bet of day for me at 7-2
Zitat von dazmGood bet on chelsea HT-FT bet of day for me at 7-2
Got a single treble odds lucky fifeteen yesterday £40 quid, better than kick in ging gangs
Good man i did ok yesterday for a change
I can stop a train