crashed my car and the radiator is gone. Need to drive it to a garage to get work done on it and to obviously replace the radiator.
The garage is 2.5 miles away. Can't lift the bonnet to get at the rad and have no money to pay for a tow/recovery. My insurance does not include breakdown recovery.
is there anything I can do to make sure I make it to till garage or to make sure my engine doesn't over heat?
Problem is the crash happened in the town I go to uni. All the people I know here are students and very few have a car never mind a car with a tow bar. Pushing it for 2.5 mile over 3 roundabouts and a very long ring road might not be a very good idea haha.
Made it 3/4 of the way before the engine temp dial started racing up and came in to a shit load of traffic. Just pulled in for a bit let it cool down and hopefully make the last 1/4.
Call the garage and they should tow /collect your car for you. After all they need the work im sure, so a 2 mile tow back for them is nothing , and they will by the sounds of it get a good few hours labour out of the repair . If they refuse go somewhere else .
Glad you sorted it, future referwnce. Was going to suggest doing it in small jouneys or at night. You could have bypassed the radiator and joined the inlet and outlet pipes of the radiator and topped back up with water, that way you could have water circulating and have your heaterfans blowing full speed on hot which would help cool your engine.