Right lads the day is coming,,,,,,,,,,, what makes xmas for you??? Ive got to say the presents dont really do much for me, i mean there's only so many times of the year you can put up with crappy boxers, asda socks tin of toffee's, lynx africa set,a mug and a new lighter I love the general buzz about it, watching my kids get excited the mrs panicking and hopeing she has got everything(even though the local asain shop is open all day). Family members being very nice for the day, visiting and having a beer etc.......... The phone calls from pals that i haven't kept in touch. Of course the big fuck off xmas dinner with a bottle of expensive red and pulling the crackers and listening to the kids reading the jokes out of them. Settling down for the usual queens speech and top of the pops and big bad james bond...... Oh how i love xmas
Live life to the full and enjoy, try and help people who havn't got as much as you, you never know what tomorrow will bring!!!!
Zitat von jonahNormally lucky to get 2 days off and as this year xmas is on a weekend i probably wont have any!!
ive not had anymore than 2 days off all fuking year!! ive got 5 weeks holiday to take before the 1st of january and i cant get time offits wering me down i tell thee
Never, ever, argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
Zitat von jonahNormally lucky to get 2 days off and as this year xmas is on a weekend i probably wont have any!!
ive not had anymore than 2 days off all fuking year!! ive got 5 weeks holiday to take before the 1st of january and i cant get time offits wering me down i tell thee
I know its naughty,,,,get them to pay you it and treat yourself to a nice watch
Live life to the full and enjoy, try and help people who havn't got as much as you, you never know what tomorrow will bring!!!!
Completely the opposite I try and work a: for double time b: to save the hassle of visiting family in dark corners of england (hull,bradford,manchester). Not really a xmas spirit guy, then i have no kids and never really had good xmas memories, even used to cause arguements with missus so didnt have to buy pressies and thats bad
Zitat von jonahNormally lucky to get 2 days off and as this year xmas is on a weekend i probably wont have any!!
ive not had anymore than 2 days off all fuking year!! ive got 5 weeks holiday to take before the 1st of january and i cant get time offits wering me down i tell thee
I know its naughty,,,,get them to pay you it and treat yourself to a nice watch
the thought has crossed my mind but they are a miserable lot so ill probably just get to carry the fuking holidays over to next year then go through the same next year
Never, ever, argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience