Anyone fancy another annual meeting of the South Yorkshire real ale and rambling club on the 29th aka a bit of a forum meet? Few beers on eccy road or kellham again? Got confirmation im allowed out after 10pm this time
Ah balls. I'm going to a 21st birthday masquerade ball, the benefits of having a younger bird who has even younger mates. Could head down after though.
Quick bump for this while I'm waiting for me brekky
[quote="Horse & Hound"]cheers j. And as for you phil...a fuckin ball! yer not married yet lad. [/quote]
I'll remember that when you've had your booty-call at 10pm and shot off Should 'at the very least' be able to duck out early and meet you 'orrible lot.
always tend to feel quite thirsty on saturday's (although i think that can also be applied to the other 6 days of the week) so will try and get out for a few
for those in the south yorkshire/derbyshire area there's also the chesterfield beer festival the week after, think i'll be venturing over on either the friday or sat
right lads like a complete tit i can no longer attend sat as the missues has booked us in at japanese resturant and id forgot all about it. However a few of us are out in sheffield on the friday night so if anyone wants to join us you're welcome.
i am defo up for the chestefield beer festival next weekend too cos its round the corner from my house.