Anyone know much about this? Value shot up from the beginning of October from £120 ish to £550 ish at present. Got the chance to buy some on the cheap...
Apparently it's value has risen due to the shutting down of the Silk Road, i know someone who's made £900 on it this week, knowing my luck I'll get in on it just as the bubble bursts!
You can create it by breaking code. It's just that the code is now so complex you might as well just buy it with regular currency. It made people who were in it to begin with shit loads if cash. No idea how you buy it, think you have to download certain software
One of the main problems with bitcoin is it's too unstable, the price range in just a few months has been huge. There have been allegations that hackers are deliberately lowering its value, hoovering up the currency and then watching it soar in price again.
I had read about these a few years ago when I first heard of the 'deep web' and read loads about that and how at the time this was almost an untracable currency ect.
Seems to be taking off, wouldn't dable in it myself but fair play to the people making money from it now but the fella who bought a pizza with 10,000 BC must be a bit pissed round about now.