Sold something in late december and the buyer never recieved it so filled a dispute against me, despite me providing proof of postage the rotten cunts have ruled in his favour and took 50 quid out of my bank to refund him. This is the final straw with ebay im deleting my account if my appeal fails this combined with non paying buyers and chancers trying to return items has left a very sour taste....
and on top of this i filled a dispute against someone over a month ago now after sending me a fake p&s jumper and despite him admitting its fake fook all has been done about giving me a refund. Fuming.
bay is a nightmare for selling now, everything has been stcked against the seller, i just buy now , you can still find some cracking bargins if you look hard enough
Only buy myself these days,cant be arsed as said before with non paying bidders,have had people asking to pay buy cheque when i've stated pp only,and as for the bloody fees!!!!
Im only going to sell stuff of high value from now on. Sold a few things recently and by the time i had taken fees off, paid for postage e.t.c i was left with next to nothing. Shite.
I cant stand it , selling my last sh*te on there now . Then thats it . Sold a vintage Fila ski Jacket ,the c*nt emails after he wins it "What is it a S or M ?" it was listed 23" p2p the prick
Desperate Times Call For Drastic Measures , Bad Boys Basking In Sinful Pleasures !
Quick update lads, we are looking into a auction type site when everything goes proffessional for members on here and others who will join, it will be bespoke to what we are about. Also will include discontinued stock which we will buy. Got our web man in Gothenberg working on this. Our contact in Tokyo is sourcing and supplying the west with some top casual/british gear and will also be involved tight lipped ATM mind, wink wink
[quote="OFFHand"]Quick update lads, we are looking into a auction type site when everything goes proffessional for members on here and others who will join, it will be bespoke to what we are about. Also will include discontinued stock which we will buy. Got our web man in Gothenberg working on this. Our contact in Tokyo is sourcing and supplying the west with some top casual/british gear and will also be involved tight lipped ATM mind, wink wink[/quote]
The fees they charge these days are extortionate. You would someone would try & launch an alternative auction site as I'm sure a lot of folk would close their eBay accounts if they had a similar site. eBay really do have the marketplace tied up tho.
fooking hell it gets worse they've just pulled a load of my auctions and restricted my account for 'brand infringement' just for putting 'stone island' in my item descriptions, now ive got to take a quiz to get my account reactivated jesus wept