many of us here will have been on the 80s scene and earlier, Lets have a chat how it was back then in the days of Cerruti, Fila, Chipie, etc, loved all the gear and was took on trips as a teen to keep lookout while lads emptied rails of jeans, used to travel the coast and empty fruit machines, standing outside the terraces no money, wearing your gear till it literally fell off, Any stories, nice memories, funnies or mishaps??? I remember buying my first full velour fila tracksuit from a discharge grant and thought i was the dogs with my borg elite. @ 15 been given a pair of vintage adi suede from an older lad and fell in love with them.
I used to live in sheffield with my dad when i was a bit younger can remember going to brammal lane with my mates who were all utd fans we never had fack all so we used to wait outside directors entrance where one of directors would come out before game and give about 10 tickets away if we were lucky enough to get one we used to sell em then crawl underneath turnstiles to watch the game i was a little bigger than my mates at the time so always a struggle for me Farrahs gazelles and op t shirts them were the days
Not much money about then and i remember only way to get it was to tax the gear of other lads, wrong i know but was way of life then. I remeber queing up at the local jumble sale at weekends with my mother and her getting me my clothes from there. Mom and dad would say where did you get that jacket from !!!! i didnt have the hreart to tell em where i did get them from
Live life to the full and enjoy, try and help people who havn't got as much as you, you never know what tomorrow will bring!!!!