We all seem like a decent bunch, good mix of elder and young generation on here, so whats your words of wisdom for the board....
"Knowledge talks, wisdom listens"."There's nothing in this world worth having, that comes easy."
"let the shipwreck of others be your sea mark"
" dont fuck with the baldies "
Better to say nothing and let others think you are stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
[quote="wallybazoom"]" dont fuck with the baldies "[/quote]What he said? G.
"dont worry about today, because yesterday, today was tomorrow"
You can run but you can't hide...............................................
Escape your ambitions
further your mind, feel no restrictions.
reached for the secret too soon, cried for the moon.
"Advice is free, but experience you pay for"Oh, and the quote from Mr. Crisp in my sig.
"free your mind, and your ass will follow"
'Carpe diem' - roughly translated means 'seize the fish'.
Always wear a condom ! ( because sitting in the GUM clinic is fucking embarrassing to wait all that time and find out nothing is wrong)
Live my life through these words "Theres many a mickle that makes a muckle",wise words indeed
Treat people how they treat you and just because no one else likes them you just might BUT heed the warnings and trust no cunt-)
Lets Party...Scatter!
Fuck religion, believe in yourself
No you didn't , and no you dont .
'Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad'Okay, I stole it but it's good.
Be nice to people on your way up because you may meet them on your way down.
a rolling stone gathers no moss
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.
"one hand washes the other and both hands wash the face"
"A long dispute means both parties are wrong." - Voltaire"You can light a thousand candles from one without diminishing the flame of it." - Siddhartha"Live remembering death awaits; time is fleeting." - Persius
vive memor leti fugit hora
fuck it