hello all, thks to J for invite. Most know me on here by the looks of it, old Yid, p2p 24" min, sz 8-9 trainers. You wouldn't live with what we had out saturday!! ;-)
Welcome aboard D. Small world, innit.
cheers T, sure is a small world matey,
Zitat von TheRonincheers T, sure is a small world matey,
Ain't seen you about much of late, been keeping you head down or have you been on your 'holidays'.
On & Off 80s bruv, not been selling much & been busy. And yes in the footy world keeping the nut down as its hot over WHL.
Aright mate...welcome...
welcome Dave
Live life to the full and enjoy, try and help people who havn't got as much as you, you never know what tomorrow will bring!!!!
Welcome aboard the good ship DaveNjoi
Welcome to the new Freemasons!
Welcome mate
Two tears in a bucket fuck it
Hello and welcome