A few know but ive gone for a senior managers job where ive worked for 21 years and had my first intervoew and a test today.Anyway made it through to the next round of interviews which will be 2 x 2 hour interviews with Production manager, human resources director and 2 other managers from another mill within our group (paranoid) got it next friday at 10am so some prep work is needed. If i get through them then a presentation to the CEO of the company........ I wasnt going to go for it as its a lot of pressure etc and i was asked to do it before and turned it down due to what was going on at home with the young daughter and my health......But now im ready for a new direction and a challenge in my life. If im sucessful university here i come...... Just keeping my fingers crossed this time cheers jonah
Live life to the full and enjoy, try and help people who havn't got as much as you, you never know what tomorrow will bring!!!!
Yes mate, feel like an ignorant cnut jumping on the back end of this threat but something you once told me when first met (via this forum) was to always be confident. Thats something i'll always remember and take with me, so, here i am reminding you of it.... cheers.
All the best Mr.J. Just be yourself and do the best you can. Can't do 'owt more than that. You can't be all things to all men so just be true to yourself.
congratulation on even achieving that chance in life m8 sure you deserve it for your family, grab it by the horns m8 and lap it up, sure its a challenge your more than capable of winning !!! As long as your not up against somthing like this then you got no chance lol