just staring on ITV4.....followed by 4...
Fuck that I wont sleep and will end up going for a fucking midnight run or popping into the village pub puffing me chest out :)
How was ya cosmopolitan breakfast With the morning magazine Mox ? !!!
Zitat von DartonHow was ya cosmopolitan breakfast With the morning magazine Mox ? !!!
not very cosmopolitan.....i had a roll and square sausage a can of cheap red bull a smoke then read it on the pan....enjoyed it all the same.......
just watched rocky 3 for what must be the 200th time, good job them punches arnt real...
Superb film, but for the sheer soundtrack its Rock4 all the way
love the films, watched my dvds so much they barely play anymore. Would rank them (in order from best to worst)Rocky IIRock IVRockyRocky BalboaRocky IIIA heap of steaming human shitRocky V
My fav is number 4 hands down
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
Any excuse to stick up Cornershop's finest ever 4 mins
I think 4 is the best movie, but Thunder Lips is the best fight
hate to say it but i haven't watched any of the rocky films! shocking i know....