Not really a film buff anymore, used to the far end of a fart regarding most films, think working in the industry just put me right off. think last film I watched may have been Hangover..
Zitat von mopfloydAs far as a classic I watched a few weeks ago, Ptang Yang Kipperbang took me back to 1982.
'82! I remember watching that on the TV it was on the then newly launched Channel 4.
*Holds back from launching into a - "And back then it was a major event when were able to watch four TV channels instead of three. Kids today don't..........." tirade.
Watched London Boulevard last night which although it wasn't spectacular, kept me entertained for an hour an a half. Good to see Ray Winston in his usual Gangsta role.
[quote="RVP's Left Foot"]Watched Layer Cake last night again. [/quote] good film!!...speaking of good films, watched Gladiator on friday, forgot how good it was