I know there are a few cinema buffs on here so was wondering if anyone ever been to one of the Secret Cinema showings? I quite fance it myself and wondered if anyone had been and what it was like. Be a fine change from the norm as well I reckon. Oh and for those that don't know what I am rambling about heres a link to their site: secret cinema
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
Looks alright that. We had a "guerilla" cinema club putting on events near us last autumn . Just showing old classics like North by Northwest and It's a Wonderful life alongside work from Midland film students. I rarely go to the cinema these days as they seem to be meeting places for young kids who have to talk through the entire film.
It was funny as I used to nip out for a paper, well thats what i told the missus, would grab myself some baguette and cheese, neck a few mexicana's and off i toddled into the district, Soon put a stop to wandering off when I ended up in a place called the cockring. she would often phone me to my hysterical giggles. just arranged a trip last night as it goes, 6 of us,