He's a great manager but he's not doing a very great job at Madrid I think. Same with Mancini in Man City but I think it has more to do with the clubs than with the managers. Like yesterday, Benzema, Kaka etc on the bench, how is that even allowed to happen I do not know. I really despise Barcelona but I can say the same about Real, they've got some horrible players who spends more time diving than enjoying the game. As said it was never a red card though.
The category of the prosumer commodity does not signify a democratization of the media towards participatory systems, but the total commodification of human creativity
This clip says it all really. It is still a reckless challenge, I would call it an orange card, in this sort of game where everyone is constantly diving I personally wouldn't have given more than a yellow. What makes me sick is Alves reaction. Pff
The category of the prosumer commodity does not signify a democratization of the media towards participatory systems, but the total commodification of human creativity
Wenger gets slated for trying to playfootball against Barca and not doing what he needs to do to win, then Jose gets slated for trying to win and not playing football! He can't win, he is correct in all he says in this interview!
Hate to say it but he was cheated with Chelsea against Barca and now he's been cheated with Real, I can imagine how he feels.
Unfortunately it's called karma. The way his Porto team behaved, under his instructions, in the UEFA cup final was an utter disgrace. Sometimes these things come back to bite ya!
Great manager though if given funds. The idea of him at Manchester City brings me out in a cold sweat
The odds were always against Real, Barca despite their Catalan-rebel nonsense are the biggest establishment team in the world. every 50/50 will go their way, been that while for a while.
I like Mourinho, because I think football needs characters like him. Nothing worse than these interview-by-numbers managers who have less personality than a toaster.
I like Mourinho, because I think football needs characters like him. Nothing worse than these interview-by-numbers managers who have less personality than a toaster. [/quote]
Yes there is. Managers who blame everything else bar the fact that their team played shit under them are worse. See mr N. Lennon and Celtic fitb a club for this. Also Mr J mourinho and real Madrid fitb a club for this as well. I understand the everyone is against us mentality can be an asset but the fact is Madrid were as bad for falling about and getting soft free kicks as barca were. Pepe raked his studs down alves legs. It was fucking idiocy on his part as he must have known that alves would react like that and there was a good chance he would take an early bath. Besides anyone with the fake ronaldo in their team has a cheek to complain about anyone getting soft sending offs the way that preening prima donna flounces around a fitb a pitch. Diving about and waving imaginary cards left right and centre. Marcelo is another who likes to fall about like he has been shot from grassy knol and always waves cards about. Fuck them. Live by the sword die by the sword.oh and fuck barcas fanny fall about tactics as well.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
I think he's brilliant, as MB said proper character. And to be honest doesn't dick about with the niceties that most managers do. Just honest, brutal or otherwise. Yeah he may make excuses but it does seem sometimes that the whole world is against him......ha ha. Genius IMO. Was gutted when he left chelsea.
I think most of what mourinho said was true no doubt he'll be punished for it barca seem to be the jewel in the uefa crown and have been for a while last 3 CL semi's and a opposing player sent of in each one coincindence or not? Real were never gonna play barca off the pitch i thought his tactics were spot on totally stopped barca playing and gets slated for it not pretty to watch granted but no different to last week in the cup where they did the same thing but pinched a goal again everything going to plan and everyone praises him the sending off was a shocking decision can fully understand his frustration strange game football
I love Mourinho. He has a bit of that Irish divilment about him, he's a complete rogue. Apart from that there's also his ability. People may say Gaurdiola (cunt) is a better man/manager etc but could you honestly have seen Gaurdiola (cunt) win the champions league with an Inter Milan team on zimmer frames or an unfashionable Porto? I think we all know the answer. Despite Barca turning over Madrid last night, no manager has a better record against Barca over the past 7 or 8 years. No coincidence either than since he left England, United are once again dominating the league. What I found when he left Chelsea was that the attention to detail was missing and that incredible will to win. Certain player's standards dropped and Mourinho would never have allowed that to happen. He turned Chelsea from underachievers into winners - that would never have happened under Ranieri. The fact that players like Kezman, Gudjohsen, Jarosik, Del Horno, Glen Johnson have league winners medals is down to Jose Mourinho. And nobody, but nobody, creates a team spirit like TSO.
Like him or loather him, the man is complete box office and will be back in England as a manager within 2 years.
I remember him talking about the devotion of his players, I think he said something like "Geremi would kill for me if I asked him to"
Then at Real, Wesley Sneijder said “Once he said to me: 'Wesley you look tired. Take a few days off. Go get some sun with your wife and child'. “All the other Coaches [in my career] only spoke about training. He sent me to the beach. So I went to Ibiza for three days. “When I got back, I was prepared to kill and die for him.”
Is he building some sort of elite team of assassins?
Mourinho good entertainment - loves to speak about himself and his over inflated ego. Yeah he shook up the English League when he came - but once Fergie woke up Mourinho was away - never won Champions League at Chelsea See how special he is next week - if he can turn it around then I'll change my opinion on him.
If he doesn't do it how long will Real Madrid fans stick behind him - playing the way they did last night and not winning the Holy Grail or La Liga. Suppose he'll just chuck another couple of hundred million away in the close season.
Well, I tell them there's no problem Only solutions
[quote="RVP's Left Foot"]Mourinho good entertainment - loves to speak about himself and his over inflated ego. Yeah he shook up the English League when he came - but once Fergie woke up Mourinho was away - never won Champions League at Chelsea See how special he is next week - if he can turn it around then I'll change my opinion on him.
Explain his victories with an unfashionable Porto side and a Nerazzurri side with an average age of about 106....I'm just curious like. He divides opinion and I'm actually happy about the fact you don't like him but please do me the courtesy of explaining champions league victories with two sides who shouldn't have been within an asses roar of the final, let alone win the thing....and your once Fergie woke up comment doesn't stack up? Think Ferguson has won 2 games out of 13 against Mourinho, By all means slag of Mourinho but back it up with facts and informed opinion.....
okay, I'll venture the case for the defence for JM. I've heard to referred to as various things, conman, lucky, only goes to clubs with money (strange that one....), needs money,etc...etc....so here's my take. First off
Credentials: 8 year unbeaten home league record across 3/4 countries and 4 different teams, 2 champions league wins which puts him level with Fergie (and ahead of Guardiola) and of course with 2 different clubs (a record not many can claim), one being Porto which must be said, is unprecedented in the modern game for a team of this stature to win the CL (coming of course the season after winning the UEFA CUp with Porto....). He won a treble at Inter, back to back league wins at our place. Personally, I think that needs a bit more than luck or money. For a start, Man City are finding out that no matter how much you spend, without a top manager even top four finishes are hard. JM won the league first season. Ranieiri didn't get near it after spending 108 million the season before. Inter? He proved he can take over a team already at the sumit of their league - and take them further. And they haven't done too well since he left..... whilst you can hardly argue Porto bought the Champions League. He winds up at teams with money because they're top teams. simple. Because he wins things so big clubs want him. Arguing he needs money has already proven otherwise with Porto (relative money to be a force in Euro football before someone says Porto are big spenders in Portugal )
Okay, Style of play: At Chelsea, we played with Robbin and Duff for 2 seasons under him,week in, week out. Lampard, Gudjohnsen, Joe Cole, Crespo, Kezman, etc....we scored 72 goals his first season in the league including 4 goals 7 times, and 3 goals 4 times. So in over a 1/4 of the games, we scored 3 or more. The JM approach is not to not pursue more goals but not to pursue them to a detriment. ie. when the game is won at 2-0 or 3-0, why exhaust yourself to score more when other games will come thick and fast. This is to enable winning every game and compete on all fronts. We were able to win 2 trophies, lost in the Semi in Europe against a Liverpool side 37 points behind who'd been out of domestic trophies since January. In 2006-7, we won 2, lost on pens in the semi-final in europe and were second in the league. My point is to compete on all fronts means conserving the players for battles ahead. His tactical nouse is possibly the best I've seen, his ability to turn around games with substitutions, change tactics mid game or mid half. He rescued us in countless games by his substitutions or tactical changes. Even when down to 10 men, we were able to see things through. Only when Ballack and Sevchenko arrived against his wishes did things start to change and the writing was on the wall. Under his complete control, we won 2 leagues comfortably. And never have I heard the word belief so much from players under him. I know I for one believed we'd win every game for a period when he was in charge. Imagine how the players must have felt.
Spain - He;s got Madrid into the CL Semi final (first time in 7 years they've been in the quarters nevermind semi's) and he's taking on what many pundits are calling the 'greatest club side ever' (many people who've played the game at the highest level - not my words) so I think you should forgive him the reluctance of trying to outplay them. It's his first season so I'll be interested to see how he goes next season when he's had another summer to sign players and plan things.
Ultimately, you might hate him for his arrogance, his petulance at times, his ego although bear in mind much of the time it's to deflect attention from his team but to say he's not a great manager is laughable. He's already on his way to achieving what many haven't and he's got another 25 years god sparing of management in him so he's got plenty of time to cement his position in the hall of greats.
Final point. Barcelona. It's uncanny for a side involved every season in the last stages of the CL, I can't remember the last time they were on the end of a dodgy decision which cost them in it..... We've had Drogba sent off in the Nou Camp for a nothing challenge in the first leg in 2005, Liverpool 'never a goal' in the same year, and that Norwegian excuse my french cunt of a ref who cheated us in 2009. And that's just us. I'm sure other teams can't point to some decisions which cost them (Van Persie is maybe stretching it but you get the gist....). I'm sure it's just a coincidence and but if there's a stonewall sending off or penalty in the final not given or one given that never should be, I've a feeling Utd will be on the wrong end of it....
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
good shout ramsees, and i agree ref. the ballack and schevchenko comment. I think if he had been left the fuck alone to run chelsea on his own without any interference he may have stayed some time longer, i honestly believe that the boys and JM truly bonded, and they all had massive respect for him. Legend.........
Liverpool 'never a goal' in the same year - really had to laugh out loud reading that,if he had not have given the "goal" then it would have been a clear cut penalty & Cech sent off. Hes a good manager but a egotistical arrogant man who is struggling in Spain & will have the sack soon for not delivering the only trophy that matters to Real the European Cup.Also De Stefano the Real president has voiced his displesure at the way Real play - boring negative football which with the players they have should not happen.
[quote="mkj1972"]Liverpool 'never a goal' in the same year - really had to laugh out loud reading that,if he had not have given the "goal" then it would have been a clear cut penalty & Cech sent off. Hes a good manager but a egotistical arrogant man who is struggling in Spain & will have the sack soon for not delivering the only trophy that matters to Real the European Cup.Also De Stefano the Real president has voiced his displesure at the way Real play - boring negative football which with the players they have should not happen.[/quote] I was merely pointing out the frequency of controversial decisions against barca not seemingly having any. There is a school of thought barca are treated favourably by those in power that stretches beyond Mourinho only. Boring football? AGainst barca maybe but otherwise, ill have a look a reals results this season before saying that. They've scored an awful lot of goals to be classed as boring. And I don't believe there's any team now that can 'outplay' barca so it'll be interesting to see what Utd do.
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
[quote="Vasque"]Everyone benefits from HUGE decisions going in their favour. Porto would never have won the European cup if this linesman wasn't blind
[/quote] SHow me a disallowed goal or sending off against barca that's cost them. You're underlining my point. MOst teams can point to at least one in Europe - a major one I mean. I can't think of one on barca.
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
[quote="Vasque"]Everyone benefits from HUGE decisions going in their favour. Porto would never have won the European cup if this linesman wasn't blind
Good call was going to point that one out,even though i`m not a United fan.Fans from every club in the world can point out dodgy decisions going against their team week in week out,i think they tend to even out over the season.
[quote="RamseesCFC"][quote="mkj1972"]Liverpool 'never a goal' in the same year - really had to laugh out loud reading that,if he had not have given the "goal" then it would have been a clear cut penalty & Cech sent off. Hes a good manager but a egotistical arrogant man who is struggling in Spain & will have the sack soon for not delivering the only trophy that matters to Real the European Cup.Also De Stefano the Real president has voiced his displesure at the way Real play - boring negative football which with the players they have should not happen.[/quote] I was merely pointing out the frequency of controversial decisions against barca not seemingly having any. There is a school of thought barca are treated favourably by those in power that stretches beyond Mourinho only. Boring football? AGainst barca maybe but otherwise, ill have a look a reals results this season before saying that. They've scored an awful lot of goals to be classed as boring. And I don't believe there's any team now that can 'outplay' barca so it'll be interesting to see what Utd do. [/quote]
Jose M teams always score a lot of goals but they are boring to watch functional rather than stylish & thats part of the reason Roman wanted him out of Chelski.