If I've done this right then above should be the collage i am using for the opening page on my website. It consists of influences and icons throughout the world of fashion, music and sport. Hope I've done it correctly or I am a right fuckin mong
If I've done this right then above should be the collage i am using for the opening page on my website. It consists of influences and icons throughout the world of fashion, music and sport. Hope I've done it correctly or I am a right fuckin mong
Yes I am a mong...... what the fuck...can someone give me a bit of advice. Uploaded image to flickr, coppied the link and pasted it in here with the image tool either side of the link
Quote by tradingrooml3Yes I am a mong...... what the fuck...can someone give me a bit of advice. Uploaded image to flickr, coppied the link and pasted it in here with the image tool either side of the link
i use photobucket its better for us one finger typing types
You're not linking to the right URL when you copy the picture from flickr. Basically, click on the picture in flickr, right click and pick the size you want, then right click again and copy image URL
Paste that into the post as you did before.....
You Can Never Be Overdressed Or Overeducated - Oscar Wilde
Wanted CP Melville Parka - 50 - Cash Waiting - Must Be Mint CP Urban Protection - Munch - 50 - Must Be Complete
Quote by SquarepusherYou're not linking to the right URL when you copy the picture from flickr. Basically, click on the picture in flickr, right click and pick the size you want, then right click again and copy image URL