On June 14th me and five friends are going on a 103 mile yomp over the Cotswold way from Chipping Campden to Bath. We have been training for this for the last six months and now the hour is nearly upon us. We are doing this un-aided, i.e we will have no support vehicle and will carry everything we need and rough camp. However the hardest part is that we will not drink until we get to Bath! We had planned this is simply something to do but last week one of the chaps from the pub lost his wife after a brief battle against cancer. The local hospice to us, The Mary Stevens Hospice looked after he in the last weeks. In light of this we have decided to raise some money for the hospice and have dedicated the walk in her honour.
I thought the Quack told you not to exercise on your knee?
Mary Stevens Hospice is only up the road from where I live. Unfortunately, I know a few people who can vouch for it's excellence for the care provided to it's guests and relatives.
Right, I tried and failed - 103 miles of rolling (fucking hilly) English countryside. manged 2 days, 45 miles and 40 pound pack did for me. Feet in tatters and knees shot.
Ready for the off in Chipping Campden
Broadway tower in the distance
Bellas Knapp - ancient burial chamber/long Barrow
Day two
Valley over looking Cheltenham with Cleeve hill in the distance - already walked up that cunt, then down round a fucking horseshoe and back up the other side - was losing the will by this point.
Not long after this it started lashing it down and I lost the mental battle. I just could not contemplate another three days and 60 + miles with my feet burning, six blisters, my left knee in agony, (I had been diagnosed with Pattela tendon opeathy (sp) a week before and my Dr told me I was mad for even thinking about it) down to a shuffle. I was done.