Interesting little read but does the sport have any real credibility nowadays given the amount of doping scandals that have plagued the sport over the past generation. Even that great All American Hero Lance Armstrong has ex teammates lining up to say he was as guilty of doping as every other cyclist caught over the past 20 years....
Zitat von casualcolInteresting little read but does the sport have any real credibility nowadays given the amount of doping scandals that have plagued the sport over the past generation. Even that great All American Hero Lance Armstrong has ex teammates lining up to say he was as guilty of doping as every other cyclist caught over the past 20 years....
Let the sporting discipline that is entirely free of scandal and doping cast the first stone?
Of course it would be nice to believe that a sport is entirely above board and unsullied. But it would also be nice to believe there are fairies at the bottom of the garden and a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Every sport needs money to survive and when money is involved then morals are asked to leave the room while discussions take place.
I do like chatting to the fairies at the bottom of my garden. Keeps me sane!
I paid off the fairies at the bottom of my garden (little buggers kept me awake with their all night parties) with a gold coin out of the pot I happened to stumble across. It was just where a rainbow met the ground!!
Zitat von casualcolInteresting little read but does the sport have any real credibility nowadays given the amount of doping scandals that have plagued the sport over the past generation. Even that great All American Hero Lance Armstrong has ex teammates lining up to say he was as guilty of doping as every other cyclist caught over the past 20 years....
Let the sporting discipline that is entirely free of scandal and doping cast the first stone?
Of course it would be nice to believe that a sport is entirely above board and unsullied. But it would also be nice to believe there are fairies at the bottom of the garden and a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Every sport needs money to survive and when money is involved then morals are asked to leave the room while discussions take place.
Hardly the point. Do you just accept corruption and wrong doing then and turn a blind eye? Is it more Calciopolis we want rather than fair play? It's that type of blaisè attitude that has led to the current farcical state of affairs in FIFA.
It's rife in cycling. Far more rife than any other sport, and that's due to the culture of it. It's always been there, completely accepted within the inner circles. People might argue it's part of the sport, but that didn't do Tom Simpson any good.
Zitat von casualcolInteresting little read but does the sport have any real credibility nowadays given the amount of doping scandals that have plagued the sport over the past generation. Even that great All American Hero Lance Armstrong has ex teammates lining up to say he was as guilty of doping as every other cyclist caught over the past 20 years....
Let the sporting discipline that is entirely free of scandal and doping cast the first stone?
Of course it would be nice to believe that a sport is entirely above board and unsullied. But it would also be nice to believe there are fairies at the bottom of the garden and a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Every sport needs money to survive and when money is involved then morals are asked to leave the room while discussions take place.
Hardly the point. Do you just accept corruption and wrong doing then and turn a blind eye? Is it more Calciopolis we want rather than fair play? It's that type of blaisè attitude that has led to the current farcical state of affairs in FIFA.
I couldn't give a Monkey's Uncle TBH. And as such I have no answers. Do you?
Zitat von casualcolInteresting little read but does the sport have any real credibility nowadays given the amount of doping scandals that have plagued the sport over the past generation. Even that great All American Hero Lance Armstrong has ex teammates lining up to say he was as guilty of doping as every other cyclist caught over the past 20 years....
Let the sporting discipline that is entirely free of scandal and doping cast the first stone?
Of course it would be nice to believe that a sport is entirely above board and unsullied. But it would also be nice to believe there are fairies at the bottom of the garden and a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Every sport needs money to survive and when money is involved then morals are asked to leave the room while discussions take place.
Hardly the point. Do you just accept corruption and wrong doing then and turn a blind eye? Is it more Calciopolis we want rather than fair play? It's that type of blaisè attitude that has led to the current farcical state of affairs in FIFA.
I couldn't give a Monkey's Uncle TBH. And as such I have no answers. Do you?
you were quick enough to jump in with a smart ass comment all the same. And no I don't have the answers, but again, hardly the point? Is it so wrong to want and expect a cleaner better product, whether it's the clothes we we wear or the sports we follow or the politicians we vote for?
Fuck em - let em get on with it (cycling) and good luck. Greg le Monde was a great example of this. Claimed he was clean but had a ridiclious Vo2 Max. His comeback was a joke as all the whipper snappers had found better drugs and pissed him!
Lance is also a good point - his Vo2 max was through the roof yet he was a shit runner.
I love cycling and I dont think that what those guys do in Le Tour is really humanly possible. Fantastic entertainment none the less.
It is inescable as some/most people will always be weak to money - I can't honestly think of any pro sport that is completly clean. Maybe some teams, but not whole sports. I mean look at Dean Richards and that whole blood capsule thing - absolute farce. the mere fact that someone bought fake blood in the first place I have never managed to get my head round - someone had the idea that that was a possible eventuality that may arrise!!!
Mr Watts hit the nail on the head but he is prickly cunt, his actuall reasoning is right. Money Talks.
you were quick enough to jump in with a smart ass comment all the same. And no I don't have the answers, but again, hardly the point? Is it so wrong to want and expect a cleaner better product, whether it's the clothes we we wear or the sports we follow or the politicians we vote for?
But I can't. I have more pressing matters than worrying about f*cking cycling!
ZitatMr Watts hit the nail on the head his actuall reasoning is right. Money Talks.