Adidas Trimm Trab, UK 10, mint condition. Will come in their original box! £50 Euro delivered to your door.Tuktuk shirt (would match very good with those Trabs), mint condition, 22'' p2p, cente back length 30''. £25 delivered to your doorBarbour shirt, mint condition, tag says S but definitely fits bigger: 22'' p2p, centre back length 31,5''. £25 delivered to your door.One True Saxon chambray-shirt, mint condition, tag size M (22'' p2p, back length 30,5''). £25 delivered to your door.Payment via paypal
Tuktuk gone.OTS and Barbour shirt and the Trimm Trabs are still looking for a new home!
friday and weekend reduction: Shirts for £20 delivered!
bump, bump, bump ...
The OTS there for £20??
Yes mate, £20 delivered ...
£35 delivered for BOTH shirts (Barbour + One True Saxon), anyone?
Ive got that OTS its a great shirt but im surprised it hasnt sold and for £20??? Confused.
None, lads?