can anybody tell me if its possible to get a pair of selvage jeans tapered about 1 1/2" at the bottom before i make a balloon of myself in the real world
Ha ha ha - I don't see why not S. A decent place will know there onions. If you want to go posh send em 45rpm in Paris. I had a pair taken up and chainstitched there. Cost £15 plus the P&P.
paris thats the place the french used to live..... was thinking more local..... but the chainstitched thing sounds good, does anybody no a place in the uk that can do that
Zitat von redmondcan anybody tell me if its possible to get a pair of selvage jeans tapered about 1 1/2" at the bottom before i make a balloon of myself in the real world
You could have it done. It makes no difference if they're selvedge or non-selvedge. It just mean that the cotton was spun on a shuttle loom to produce the denim and that method produces a finished seam. However you more than likely will loose the 'selvedge' edge. As they would have to taper it on both seams to prevent twisting.
Zitat von redmondcan anybody tell me if its possible to get a pair of selvage jeans tapered about 1 1/2" at the bottom before i make a balloon of myself in the real world
You could have it done. It makes no difference if they're selvedge or non-selvedge. It just mean that the cotton was spun on a shuttle loom to produce the denim and that method produces a finished seam. However you more than likely will loose the 'selvedge' edge. As they would have to taper it on both seams to prevent twisting.
out of intrest is that how they get the twisted finish look such as these ?
Zitat von a-casual-zulu out of intrest is that how they get the twisted finish look such as these ?
In all honesty. I haven't got a clue! I've never even considered it until you've just asked in relation to those jeans.
It could be to do with the pattern cut which is probably the easiest way to create it. Other than that they could have used right hand twill denim and left hand twill denim on the two halves which would may possibly cause twisting. But left and right twill denim have different characters when it comes to wear appearance so it wouldn't really be suitable and no doubt expensive.
I emailed son of stag and heard nothing back. Cunts.
Phil remember you looked into that 'denim doctor' and thought he was shit, I use another forum to sell on and loads on there rave about him, said he is really good and reasonably priced and does it all by post (think he has a shop as well).
Zitat von AnchorStu - I thought they could just alter the inside seam to taper them so keeping the edge??? I would not have thought they would have twisted.
That won't make an even taper though will it. To taper by defintion would mean removing a certain amount of fabric. If you only do one side it would leave the other side un-tapered and wouldn't look all to cock surely?
the jeans are fine with a heavy winter boot but find them a bit wide for shoes or chukka style, could be right tho....easier to just wear them in the winter
Zitat von redmondthe jeans are fine with a heavy winter boot but find them a bit wide for shoes or chukka style, could be right tho....easier to just wear them in the winter
speaking of jeans, 36 waist 32 inside leg 13.5 thigh 9" bottom budget a ton-ish ideas ?
Zitat von redmondparis thats the place the french used to live..... was thinking more local..... but the chainstitched thing sounds good, does anybody no a place in the uk that can do that
and mac your showing your age mate
could get in touch with james, eleven use one round the corner from the shop for customers wanting things altered.
I had a pair of Selvedge jeans tapered a few weeks ago and Stu is right they do lose the chain stitch which is what looks nice when they are turned up.