Evening, Bradford lad in my mid twenties, new to the forum thing,looks right up my street on here, looking forward to getting involved.
Welcome in fella...... ave` fun
ok there ...
Evening from me aswell me duck.
Evening Squire
Welcome in Tomsure you will enjoy here, plenty on offerStick around
Welcome in mate.
Nice one lads!
Evening Bantam.Fellow Yorkie here (no marks for guessing who I support).
Ow matey
Once again cheers for the welcome
welcome in Tom
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
Hello and welcome Tom
Alright mate,used to live in Bardford and go to city myself Welcome aboard
Nice one pal, where you living now?
Quote by Tom_OkkerNice one pal, where you living now?
York mate
welcome aboard mate
new on here by a few days too - welcome!
Nice one Lads, probably got a few mutual friends haxby