morning everyone, the names Jack,im Blues,23 and cool as fuck....i think
Jesus christ...................not another Blue nose! Morning Jack.
How do.
Zitat von get the beer inJesus christ...................not another Blue nose! afraid so mukka Morning Jack.
Welcome Jack, that makes 2 of us, blues and cool as fuck
Live life to the full and enjoy, try and help people who havn't got as much as you, you never know what tomorrow will bring!!!!
Good day.
Zitat von jonahWelcome Jack, that makes 2 of us, blues and cool as fuck
For those of you, like me, who ain't got a clue what their saying. this helps.
hello - wish I was cool ...
Welcome in mate.
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
alrite jack dunno about being cool but i could do with a cold 1
Welcome in Jack Bell me over the weekend and we'll sort that cash pal
**cough**Think you'll find that's 3
Hello Jack
Zitat von bcfczulu1962Zitat von jonahWelcome Jack, that makes 2 of us, blues and cool as fuck**cough**Think you'll find that's 3
*** cough cough *** 4 were growing
Hello and welcome....