Used to have something set up using automater that reduced the file size of images for uploading. Fucking bird has deleted it as it was "messy on the desktop" and can't remember how i did it. Anyone know?
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
Zitat von ryanPiece of piss. Double click on the image. Click tools at the top, then adjust size. Then save it.
Aye that is using preview. i used to have a wee programme for doing it but as I said it has been deleted.
Why don't you do it using preview?
Cause it is a pain in the hoop when you need to resize a heap of images. I'm on the automator route again thanks to a computer geek on the fitba forum I use. Bit of a pain to set up but easy to use when you do get it going. Here is his step by step guide:
1) In Automator select the “Copy Finder Items” action and drag it into the work area. Select a copy to location. This is so it preserves the original file (Automator gets a bit panicky when you don’t have it). It should go without saying that you have a copy if you are making changes.
2) Add “Scale Images” from the actions library. Set a size depending on what you need.
3) Add “Save For Web”. Select “Save to” as “Same folder as input”, Use “Preview”, and Type “JPEG”.
4) Save the workflow. Select a name and have the file format as an “Application”.
5) Test by dragging a bunch of image files onto the workflow application.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one