just been to the cash point on my lunch, push the button to get a tenner out for a steak beak and 20 mayfair and get told i have insuficient funds, im no john rockafella but i should have a tenner in my bank seeing as i only got payed 2 days ago so I go into the bank and it transpires that some robbing cunt has made £780 worth of withdrawals from my account in the last 3 days at various places around east africa! "were you in nigeria yesterday Mr Edwards?"...... Should hopefully be able to get it back but its worring none the less, I always throught I was pretty careful online but it just goes to show you have to watch where you enter you digits. Be warned.....
it was my debit account so not sure how the withdrawals were made without my pin? This kind of crime is on the up in a massive way bloke in the bank was saying so be careful lads...
What you do is copying the magnetic stripe in a machine similar to the ones in shops. The you make another magnetic strip and glue it to any kind of pkatic card. All the cards info is on the magnetic stripe and if someone saw your code or broke the 128 bit encryption on the card then they are free to use it
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
My old lady had about 1500 took the once, This was by people topping up phones at 50 quid a time sometimes twice daily over the space of a month, Easy money that is i suppose, buy a sim, put 50 quid on, sell for 40. CUNTS.
Santander put a block on my card the other week, because they worried about a few payment via paypal. Only found out when I went to the cash machine to draw some money out, all well and good but imagine if your in the que at Asda with a trolly load of shopping and your card gets declined.
Quote by Tom_OkkerSantander put a block on my card the other week, because they worried about a few payment via paypal. Only found out when I went to the cash machine to draw some money out, all well and good but imagine if your in the que at Asda with a trolly load of shopping and your card gets declined.
ive had that before.
but id rather have it that way than end up having heaps of coin robbed off me by Tunde and his pals.
Happened to me last year mate. In all fairness to the bank they were brilliant about it and sorted for the money to go back into my account ASAP. Had to fill in a few forms but not much more than that.
Bloody robbing nigerian fucks.........bloke tried dicking me about for my car coup,e of months ago....oddly enough was from nigeria.......411 scam or something like that. Piss me off, hope it all works out ok chap.
Quote by Tom_OkkerSantander put a block on my card the other week, because they worried about a few payment via paypal. Only found out when I went to the cash machine to draw some money out, all well and good but imagine if your in the que at Asda with a trolly load of shopping and your card gets declined.
Happened to me Ryan last year. Some cunt had booked train tickets from London to Hull, then 28 Travelodge rooms in Hull - Unclassy cunts!
Barclays were properly on the ball about it though and got my money back within a month. All big banks have superb fraud departments these days. Still a ballache having to go through it all.
Quote by Tom_OkkerSantander put a block on my card the other week, because they worried about a few payment via paypal. Only found out when I went to the cash machine to draw some money out, all well and good but imagine if your in the que at Asda with a trolly load of shopping and your card gets declined.
yeah, was just going to say our CC company needs informed you're going somewhere before they'll approve a payment abroad. I give them a bell and they put a note on the account otherwise the payment will be declined at the point of sale wherever you are (in my case, Mexico). I'd have thought banks could operate that. the down side is the 'Asda scenario'. I've had it happen when I've made a few quick fire transactions on it and then you go for a 4th (and it's always that sale bargain you've been after....) and the card declines. I phone up and after umpteen transfers I finally get someone who says "we thought it was strange you've just spent £600 in the last 24 hours so we declined it and left a voicemail at your home to contact us...". Sale bargain long gone after that.....
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
I was walking down the nature reserve on sunday with the missis when the phone rang saying that it was Natwest Fraud team who wanted to check if I had used my debit card in oregon USA ! Told them had I bollocks and any way they can try all they want as Im over me overdraft anyway !!! Only problem was the geezer I was talking to was African by accent . I told him to get to fuck and I rang back , the first question I asked was do you have some African sort of bloke workin for them ? the answer was YES ! I asked why in the present climate they have an African sounding bloke on the calls ? Fuck me he sounded like PHONEJACKER pmslol. They told me it was discrimination not to employ him. Fuckin hell Natwest with an African on the calls at the Fraud team !!! Nothing against the bloke but its abit fuckin dodgey lol.
"I live for myself and answer to no one." ~ Steve McQueen. " I wear what I like and I like what I wear." ~ Adam. " It's always been just part of the culture. Growing up, for most working-class kids, is all about football, music and clothes. You might not have much money, but whatever you have got, you're going to look good." ~ Weller.