Would love to see a modern day version of clockwork orange, a massive risk but with the right cast and director it could work. Change the language used and the clothes worn but keep the same idea.
Quote by MidlandRavenWould love to see a modern day version of clockwork orange, a massive risk but with the right cast and director it could work. Change the language used and the clothes worn but keep the same idea.
I'm not a fan of A Clockwork Orange but that sounds fucking shite.
Quote by MidlandRavenWould love to see a modern day version of clockwork orange, a massive risk but with the right cast and director it could work. Change the language used and the clothes worn but keep the same idea.
I'm not a fan of A Clockwork Orange but that sounds fucking shite.
I think it would be ace, they could bring it up to date and instead of wearing boiler suits, they could wear anoraks...............
Quote by GelseIn my opinion all newish remakes are wank.
So therefore, none..
Im with you G. Remakes - a sign Hollywood has finally ran out of ideas, its getting to the point where they're even remaking films that wernt good in the first place (conan ffs!). The only one that comes to mind that ever worked for me was the departed.