for lost iphone. anyone know how long premiums will be raised for if i do this. seen three years mentioned elsewhere. looks like my premium will go up about £100 if the claim goes through. could upgrade to new phone but then theres the contract to consider, phone from insurance means im out of the contract in four months. any help much appreciated
excess is £250. did a comparison site quote with and without the claim, came in at £100 more. claimed for a broken computer as well a bit back, which nudged it up by about £70. add this claim to quote puts it up another £100. not sure its going to be worth it
£250 excess seems high to me. If it's right and you only have 4 mths remaining of your existing phone contract I'd be tempted not to claim. All insurance is going up these days and two claims in a 3 yr period will bump it up aswell. I'd certainly shop around on renewal if it goes up a fair bit.
not worth it if excess is £250 , unless when you got mugged your i-phone , wallet , money , jewelry was taken - thats when it's worth making a claim ..
Quote by STEVECFCnot worth it if excess is £250 , unless when you got mugged your i-phone , wallet , money , jewelry was taken - thats when it's worth making a claim ..