Would be great to get a few donations offa here. I'll post updates as the weeks go by.
Heres the generic email:
It’s Movember, the month formerly known as November, now dedicated to growing moustaches and raising awareness and funds for men’s health; specifically prostate and testicular cancer. I’m donating my top lip to the cause for 30 days in an effort to help change the face of men’s health. My Mo will spark conversations, and no doubt generate some laughs; all in the name of raising vital awareness and funds for cancer’s affecting men.
Why am I concerned about men’s health? *1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime *This year 37,000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed *1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime *26% of men are less likely to go the doctor compared to women
I invite you to join me by registering to grow or by donating to my support of the Mo http://mobro.co/MatthewCoull
If you want to go old school you can write a cheque payable to “Movember”, reference my name and Registration Number 1819146 and send it to: Movember Europe, PO Box 68600, London, EC1P 1EF
Funds raised will help make a tangible difference to the lives of others. Through the Movember Foundation and our men’s health partners, The Prostate Cancer Charity and The Institute of Cancer Research, Movember is funding world class awareness, research, educational and support programs which would otherwise not be possible.
Thank you in advance for helping me change the face of men's health.
Thanks guys, it would mean a lot to me. EVERY LITTLE COUNTS!!!
To be honest i'd rather pay full whack than look like a smug, self important cunt-face, with skinny jeans, and slip ons and a ####ing joey barton ####ing quif and one of those 1920's long leather jackets that everyone is wearing because everyone is a ####ing idiot and even degree educated people are now taking there entire lifestyle cues from David Beckham, and now they go 'hey its for charidee and me and seb, and tarqs and olly and JJ and wills love charidee because we all went to zanzibar to build an orphanage on our gap year, well 3 weeks of it anyway the rest of the time we were on safari that our dads paid for'. and then they play there ####ing synths in there shit ####ing new rave band then ####ing touch there moustaches and wink knowingly at each other whilst planning a ####ing snowbaording ####ing trip really loudly in a gastropub the ####ing horrible cunts.
yeah. listen. I'm easy. not bothered about it at all.