I live on a small road just off a narrow one way street on a hill.
The pavement on the street is really narrow.
One of the houses has recently fitted an awning that covers the whole of the pavement and is probably 6' maximum off the ground. It would be simple to duck under this if they hadn't also attached hanging baskets so the clearance is probably less than 5'.
With it being such a narrow pavement you have to pass on the road and therefore wait if there are any cars coming.
I'm not planning on complaining as would say something to the property owners if I really had a problem.
Just wondered whether anyone else thinks the owners are thoughtless or whether I'm just far too considerate as I wouldn't do that myself.
You need to walk that way home on a Saturday night from the boozer. Take a stanley knife with you and cut the offending 'decorations' dowm, then run the blade the length of the awning..................jobs a good 'un.
Not really concerned for me but could be an issue for some disabled people like a blind person. Doubt that anyone with a problem walking would be going up the road as it's a steep hill.
I'm just thinking how they could really be affected - I had to get planning permission to chop down dangerous trees in the garden so can't see how they have permission to obstruct the highway.
Aye cant imagine how they must think its ok to do this, Is it temporary? but still would haver been nice to have been informed, Definately breaking their boundary law if its public footpath. Trouble nowadays is there aint no community spirit or wifes standing on the front chatting any more, People hardly even know their neighbours in this day and age
Not the nicest thing to do tbh , some people dont seem to care in this day and age, planning permission is very complex and you cant even use boundries to contest it , i would have thought overhanging the public walkway would be soon picked up by the relevant authorities and im sure a nosey neibour will be on the phone soon enough ,
Sounds like they've been pretty selfish there, mate. May be a good reason why they'd need it but can't think of one.
Like you say, not much of an inconvenience for most of us but different for others. Sounds like people putting towels out to say 'this is my space'. Have a quiet word if you get the opportunity