done my survival course for the rigs in july and been trying to get a start an interview on friday........all down to Locomotion on here who has been helping me out big time over the last few months.....really need a change from what im doing just now....a new challenge and fingers crossed this will be it....
Congrats mate. Who have you got the interview for and what position if you don't mind me asking? I'll have an ask about some of my mates to see if they can give me any tips as to what you may be asked at an interview for the job you are interviewing for.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
Zitat von coopy100Congrats mate. Who have you got the interview for and what position if you don't mind me asking? I'll have an ask about some of my mates to see if they can give me any tips as to what you may be asked at an interview for the job you are interviewing for.
Its with Rowan for a roustabout position,Neil(Locomotion) has gave me some tips for the interview.But any tips apprecited mate..