When I used to go fairly regular to Newport one of the county lad's has compulsive touching disorder, you would walk round with him and he'd be touching everything, I went in the toilets with him at a gig for a few lines and he stretched in front of me from behind to touch the hand dryer, he said "sorry mate I thought you was gonna touch it first". I've never forgot it.
Quote by The IndividualWhen I used to go fairly regular to Newport one of the county lad's has compulsive touching disorder, you would walk round with him and he'd be touching everything, I went in the toilets with him at a gig for a few lines and he stretched in front of me from behind to touch the hand dryer, he said "sorry mate I thought you was gonna touch it first". I've never forgot it.
at least it was the hand dryer he was reaching for
every thing has to be in order books cloths kitchen stuff door mat etc etc etc boots and shoes have to be touching not just mine any that i see even at other peoples homes doors check them 2 /3 times before i go bed ever get up sometimes just in case some time have to go back when im going out can be miles from home , same with car /van doors always check mine and mrs car, but the odd thing i do is and dont know why but glasses mugs when there empty have to be touching mrs moves them a part but i have to go back and put them back, annd doors hate them open drives me mad folks leaving the open. there is more
Quote by dangermouseevery thing has to be in order books cloths kitchen stuff door mat etc etc etc boots and shoes have to be touching not just mine any that i see even at other peoples homes doors check them 2 /3 times before i go bed ever get up sometimes just in case some time have to go back when im going out can be miles from home , same with car /van doors always check mine and mrs car, but the odd thing i do is and dont know why but glasses mugs when there empty have to be touching mrs moves them a part but i have to go back and put them back, annd doors hate them open drives me mad folks leaving the open. there is more
Quote by The IndividualWhen I used to go fairly regular to Newport one of the county lad's has compulsive touching disorder, you would walk round with him and he'd be touching everything, I went in the toilets with him at a gig for a few lines and he stretched in front of me from behind to touch the hand dryer, he said "sorry mate I thought you was gonna touch it first". I've never forgot it.
So glad I dont suffer from anything like this, far to care free, Our kid though used to do this, always remember we would get half way somewhere and he would have to go back home to touch the door handle or something and then had a ritual of touching each finger with his thumb and then touching his nose.
Not me but the wife insists on having the toilet roll on the wrong way round. i.e. so it hangs down the back, not over the top and down the front. She says she doesn't do it on purpose, but i did notice her mother does it as well. Drives me fucking mental. I used to do the volume (even numbers)thing on my car stereo, but consciously started putting it on odd numbers just to break the habit. Then the car got nicked and th4e next stereo didn't have volume with numbers so i was sorted. The wife always crosses herself when she sees road kill, but so no one will notice. Cracks me up.
i think most of us have a touch of ocd at some minor level. its a comfort thing for our mind,gives it order, which in turns allows for a feeling of being in control. Or some suedo nonsense like that
i have to sleep on the left hand side of the bed whether there is anyone there or not. My body would adapt to the left! I cant leanbe dishes overnight I have to have 5 pairs of trainers on the go at any one time for wearing! I have my special socks for big games, why they are special is stupid as we only ever one won big game with them on but I stilltake them out for a big one[every little thing can help],never mind we havent got a stiker who could hit a barn door!!!
I used to obsessively count things and would only stop on an even number i.e. the ceiling tiles at school and different road markings. Something I've grown out of for the most part but still prefer things to be numbered evenly.
People leave empty cartons etc on seats in bus station i've got to throw it under the seat. Time keeping. Doing things as it says in the book (at University). Washing my hair twice when i've had my haircut (which i'm off to do now).