Picked this up from Dylan a few weeks back, cracking jacket but i just can't get on with it. Bought for £135 (which was a bargain), but out of the kindness of my heart i'll let it go for £120 (an even bigger bargain) Great condition, i think only worn a few times by Dylan & never by me barr trying it on. I'm offshore at the moment, but if anyone is interested i'll have the missus post it 1st class recorded c/w tracking number.
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Final bump on this - can't keep hold of it much longer - if its not gone by tomorrow night then its onto Ebay. Will listen to offers, although its a lot of jacket for a very, very good price as it is
"If you have friends like mine, raise your glasses. If you don't have friends like mine, raise your standards."
I took the measurements from the original sale thread. i'm offshore at the moment so have no way of checking. I'm presuming it is the correct arm length.
"If you have friends like mine, raise your glasses. If you don't have friends like mine, raise your standards."