Me and my mate went in a pub , as I went to the bog he asked what I wanted to drink , ' Pint of bitter please Dave . ' ' two pints of bitter please barman ' as 1 was placed on the bar , a black woman walked past , farted , the bitter fizzed up , then went flat . when I got back to the bar , I raised my glass , and just as I was about to drink it Dave said , ' stop , that black chick over there sat down walked past , farted , the bitter fizzed up then went flat . ' I tasted it , and it was rank . So I went over where she was sat and said , ' Oi , you , you fart in - my - whitbread ? ' ' No , I'm Tessa Sanderson . '
Take it you didn't find it funny lol, didn't realise till I posted it that the name in the joke was Steve so it looks as if I'm just adding your name to the bottom, if you didn't realise, she looks like a bloke..