Cunts they are.........Horrible to see this!
fucking horrible
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
1.15 in that cunt with a stick looks like he's gonna wade into the poor guy on the floor and stops dead taking something to the face/throat.I do hope he's seriously injured.
Fuckin' cowards,hard to believe that anyone can act like that?
Fucking disgraceful. Saw 'm aiming guns at unarmed women as well. It sickens me.
Horrible bastards. Where about is this?
Quote by Alex DeLargeHorrible bastards. Where about is this?
egypt it is.
Just turned my stomach that where they're kicking fuck out of the girl on the floor - really wound me up the sick bastards :-(
Nigel Cabourn Can Kiss My Arse
Shit bags
Seen that the other day, wish I hadn't. Fucking scum.
What get the beer in said... 'orrible cunt
You're never as cool as you think you are...
Excuse my ignorance but are these police or 'rebels' doing the fighting in the video?
Military/police I think Peaks
Thought it was Egypt.Utterly awful this, no mercy whatsoever.
Fucking nosepickers. Leave them to it.