Evening Gentleman Happy Crimble to one and all , Went out for a meal with a difference last night Ive never proposed too any girl (not boys thankyou) even though Im 41 ! but last night I did it and it worked !thank fuck!
All planned walked into restuarent with my missis who looked the buis. we sat down had a drink , I had on Clarks Ramblers burlington socks , OTS black cords and S.I. roll neck . Told Tad I wanted a piss and off I went , but , not to the bog but into the back of the res. got changed into a tailor fitted three button tonic silver two tone suit B.Sherman black shirt and tie . The manager of the restaurent put tads favourite "Adele" song on . bish bash bosh all done Im engaged! pos married next Crimble eve . I dont mess about me Haa HaaaAAA
Sorry about the spelling but Im a spaced out on my medication (legal mind hehe !)
"I live for myself and answer to no one." ~ Steve McQueen. " I wear what I like and I like what I wear." ~ Adam. " It's always been just part of the culture. Growing up, for most working-class kids, is all about football, music and clothes. You might not have much money, but whatever you have got, you're going to look good." ~ Weller.