staying in tonight and having a bit of a party at our flat...have done for the last 6 years or so....can't be doing with the prices of tickets,taxi's etc and all the divs that seem to surface on NYE
Dirty old river, must you keep rolling, Flowing into the night.......
came back to sheffield for work, couldnt be arsed to get a train back home for new year(got a laod of work needs doing in the next few days) , bad decision. nearly hopped on the train down to london to meet a few lads who are off to boogie cartel, but was reliably informed that any chance of hopping the train down where minimal ( 80 quid single tickets :/) heading out soon to meet a few and then no doubt wander off into the night, if i wake up alone and/or with decent recollection of the evening i will be highly dissapointed.
all the best
reached for the secret too soon, cried for the moon.
Quote by RhysI've never enjoyed new years. Was going to go a party but it's fallen through so staying in with the missus. Dominoes and a film, meh.
Agree wholeheartedly. New Year's Eve and Patrick's day are the two days I could gladly stay in bed all day and night. I was in town earlier going to they gym and there was young wans going around in gowns at three o'clock in the afternoon. Give me Swansea away on a cold Tuesday night in January. Roll on 2012.