I tended to get a football every year, then I remember getting a pair of football boots which my old pair picked up in Woolies. Blatant Adidas WC rip-offs but to me they were the business.
batman, thunderbirds James bond dinky toys, Action man. i remeber some sort of car that you sent down an orange track, and it did the loop the loop??? also these
Stock Car Smash Up was the first big one I remember. 2 wind-up cars that were designed to fall to bits when run into each other. One was a VW Beetle and the other a pickup.
Zitat von maclufcbatman, thunderbirds James bond dinky toys, Action man. i remeber some sort of car that you sent down an orange track, and it did the loop the loop??? also these
Anyone who had these as a kid will be grimacing at how their thumbs felt every time you wrapped these Clackers on them. Ouch!! These were all over telephone wires on our estate in the 70s. Well before the craze of trainers
We were so poor when i was young that when all the other kids had YoYo's. we could only afford Yo's
I remember my sisters having 'clackers' - and bruised thumb nails
Lego was the 'in toy' when i was a nipper along with Action Man. I seem to remember collecting Action Man Stars that you would send away & get a free AM dog or dog tags amongst other things.
"If you have friends like mine, raise your glasses. If you don't have friends like mine, raise your standards."
looking back think i was spoilt at xmas used to get loads of stuff but the best was action man had loads of em and all the new outfits helicopter jeep speedboat the lot the good old days
Zitat von beduth jasetest match tin can alley ricochet racers astro wars
Test Match used to play that for ages ,and caused a few arguments as well some how ?? i remember once asking for a raleigh grifffter , my old man just bought some "cow horns " wrapped them up and told me to swap them with the drop handles on my old bike !!!