The way that Americanisms have invaded our language in the last ten years of the internet and Xbox Live. Ten years ago the use of the word 'guy' meant a bloke or a man. No one in this country used the term 'guys' when addressing a group of people. No one. Now everyone does it. Except me. And to hear young lads talk using countless americanisms all picked up over the internet is sad. Why no influence the other way?
People driving right up your arse , even more so in this shite weather. Really chapping my arse more n more each day. I know it's a busy tine n everyones rushing around foooookin back up a bit .................. and breath
that in order to live on our great modern technological age I have to remember a dozen fucking pins, passwords, secret questions etc. just to order the groceries.
i was doing a boxing ring hire in the university in glasgow last x-mas ,, anyway , wan student was knocking fuck out of the other ,, live dj , lights etc,, during the first round during said beating the fucker who owns the gym grabbed the mic and shouted " POWER DOWN GUYS, POWER DOWN ",,,,,, i had tae leave the venue ,,with embarrassment fir him ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its no that his names GUY RAMSEY
When you;re on the train and about ten minutes form the next stop. People stand up and start queuing at the door. In fact all forms of public transport.
when you re watching Sky Sports News late at night, and you ve got it on a low volume so not to disturb the rest of the family, and the DON, DON, DON DON DON DON bit of music comes on before the adverts, at twice the volume...........
Zitat von maclufcwhen you re watching Sky Sports News late at night, and you ve got it on a low volume so not to disturb the rest of the family, and the DON, DON, DON DON DON DON bit of music comes on before the adverts, at twice the volume...........
Zitat von LocomotionThats what they were put on this earth for......,
I can rember an old bloke who taught me in my appreticeship days, he had a cracking saying......
"Son, there's only two thing's a woman's good for, that's fucking and fetching the beer. If it weren't for that we could do everything for ourselves"
The old bloke spoke a lot of sense. I've got 3 'kids' - 27, 19 & 15 & when i see how demanding they have been this Xmas, i sometimes wish i had kept it in my trousers
"If you have friends like mine, raise your glasses. If you don't have friends like mine, raise your standards."
Rucksacks on Tubes, Buses and Trains. If you wear one, then at least act like it is attached to your body. Keeping it on a dirty floor then getting on public transport and banging, knocking, wacking me with it!!
This has really pissed me off - a fella from another forum looks to sell a couple of pairs of trainers & gets this amount of veiws & replys Jack Vamplew from Found - i try & source a decent jacket & have been al oyal memer & receive this amount of veiws & replys - Nigel Cabourn Cameraman Jacket
"If you have friends like mine, raise your glasses. If you don't have friends like mine, raise your standards."
See what you mean mate, think may have overlooked and most jumped on the thread with Jack, sure and would hope if somebody sources a cameraman in 54 then will let you know.