The most wonderful time of the year has resulted in afair bit of incoming gents so these have got to go..
6876 Jacques: Picked up on ebay a few months back for £41.00 all in, worn once for all of 2 mins whilst trying it on and been stashed in the wardrobe since so in perfect nick. After £40.00 ppg all in for uk del gents. 24.5 ptp.
Uploaded with[/img] RL navy Wool Duffle: Bought from the outlet at York for £300 or so, worn a handfull of times and in perfect condition, 25 ptp, after £120ppg for this;
6876 Cappandula: Orange nanotec, you know the one. Great coat but just not getting the wear it deserves. A touch over 25 ptp. Yours for £160.00ppg all in please lads..and finally;