People have called for her resignation have they not
Means f*ck all that. She should be sacked like that Aidan Burley was.
I agree.
You, however, come across as having a chip on your shoulder.
Yeah, I do have a chip on my shoulder, I'll happily admit it as I'm not ashamed nor do I hide my opinions, I'm sick and tired of the double standards within this country when it comes to race and "racism" like many I feel that if things were reversed then things would be totally different.
Confusion in her eyes that says it all. She's lost control.....
Never been a fan of hers as she has never practised what she has preached [ all for local comprehensive schools and sends her own to private ] . Hypocrite of the highest order and has lost all credibility IMO, she can never be taken seriously again.
People have called for her resignation have they not
Means f*ck all that. She should be sacked like that Aidan Burley was.
I agree.
You, however, come across as having a chip on your shoulder.
Yeah, I do have a chip on my shoulder, I'll happily admit it as I'm not ashamed nor do I hide my opinions, I'm sick and tired of the double standards within this country when it comes to race and "racism" like many I feel that if things were reversed then things would be totally different.
Do you yourself have double standards with regards to racism?
Quote by BazNever been a fan of hers as she has never practised what she has preached [ all for local comprehensive schools and sends her own to private ] . Hypocrite of the highest order and has lost all credibility IMO, she can never be taken seriously again.
Do you yourself have double standards with regards to racism?
No, I don't think I have. If this was reversed and some one who was White said the same thing about Black people then I would still think it was racist.
For me, "White people love playing 'divide and rule'. Doesn't strike me as totally racist but with "We should not play their game." makes the comment full blown racism. As it implies that only White people play "divide and rule" which is entirely not true and down right ignorant.
Confusion in her eyes that says it all. She's lost control.....