As a barman I'm pretty decent. Never get many complaints about the state of the beer and I feel like I get on with most of the punters/do my bit to keep the pub ticking over. When it comes to serving food though I'm noy gonna lie, I'm an absolute disaster. I got a bit of a hobia of touching other peoples food and can't stand clearing up after people.
In academics: I get on with my colleagues but I'm at least 2 and a half years from completing my doctoral thesis. I can spend hours alone in the library which helps but its going to take a lot of graft before I get anywhere near my best. Doesn't help that I spend a lot of my designated research times chatting bollocks about clothes I can ill afford with the vagabonds on here!
In the same vein as some of the previous comments, I'm also very good at my job. I work with adults with severe learning disabilities, which is supposedly stressful as fuck, but I find it incredibly easy. Must be doing something right, I have a right laugh!
Academically, however, I've always been the same; "Jack could do so much better if he applied himself a little more". I struggle to find the effort to prove that I know what I know. Y'know?
agree simalar feild mate . again some people assume this can be a stressfull job . i dont challengin maybe but its how you deal with it . if its to hot get out of there . if ya know what i mean .
Quote by Iversonagree simalar feild mate . again some people assume this can be a stressfull job . i dont challengin maybe but its how you deal with it . if its to hot get out of there . if ya know what i mean .
With you completely mate. The amount of people I see putting more fire to a situation through their own actions is ridiculous. Straight in, defensive stance, and it all blows up. Absolutely no need. It's all about body language if you ask me, particularly with the non verbal clients. Non confrontational all day, that's me. I laugh constantly at work. Great fun, easiest job I've ever had. Pays fuck all mind, but I have just spent all day causing havoc in a museum, and got paid for it, so it's not all that bad.
I'd like to think I'm more than capable to excel and eventually become management in my sector. I've been told I'll have the chances where I'm working now, all depends what sort of mood I'm in, sometimes I wake up and feel motivated sometimes I just don't.
Probably the best coppersmith going as I get sent work from worldwide including our group's in America and Norway where we were founded, and comparing other work I see, but the point is I'm not enjoying it anymore, I had the chance to take a stupid amount of money and live in Norway with the wife and kids but I love britain and outside of work too much, my mates, places. So to answer the question last 15 years I've built up to be the best at what I do but it bores the fuck out of me now. If I didn't have a wife and kids I would 100% leave and do something I really love for less money.
i've worked in betting shops for 23 years and it's never felt like work. they leave me alone to run the shops and trust my judgement so i must be doing something right.................and i allways make them money!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eye's right, skin back tight, bollocks to the front, we're the boy's who make more noise when we're on the cunt, we're the riders of the night, and we'd rather fuck than fight, we're the riders of the Clock end Highbury
I'm 10 years deep this year, self employed & working in the financial markets. It's been a complete twat of an industry for the last couple of years and unfortunately I had to let over 70% of my staff go but I'm still here which is more than can be said for a lot of others in the same game. That said, things have started to turn around again more recently and seem to be on the up. It's all swings and roundabouts and whilst I would in no way say I was the best, I'm holding my own..
I was, but as the news are reporting today the company I work for is about to go into liquidisation so unless I find a new job asap ill be on the rock and roll for the first time in my life. I would be pretty good at that to be fair.
i am lucky as such stable job . this one reason why i pulled out of construction that and bein made redundent. so took my self of to college and flew straight into a post . problem his at times i am soley in charge of 36 kaotic individauls wich i find challenging at times . but the rewards are good . changin people lifes beliefs can be hard work however .when you have alot of life skills as such . it works they see you for what you are . a good soul . lifes like a game of chess make the right moves...
I'm a part time waiter. Might not seem much to some but it's a fair bit of work on side of studying full time to get into Uni. I would say i'm fairly good at my job, I enjoy speaking to people and meeting new people so it's good for that. When the pressure is properly on, it can be difficult but I often do my best work when under pressure. Have always found that. Get a few complements which is always nice and the money I take home is fairly decent.
Quote by Wardle71Best decorator in the midlands. End off
there's 2 of us then!!!!
Work for yourself rick??
yeah mate, on my own, finding it hard to get work in, be lucky 2 get couple of small jobs a month.
Two of us mate and I really dont mean to rub your nose in it,but we are flat out,got a lad with us to a min,150 flats in brum and other stuff its getting out of hand,its just getting the money in is the times I wish we hadnt took them on
Quote by Wardle71Best decorator in the midlands. End off
there's 2 of us then!!!!
Work for yourself rick??
yeah mate, on my own, finding it hard to get work in, be lucky 2 get couple of small jobs a month.
Two of us mate and I really dont mean to rub your nose in it,but we are flat out,got a lad with us to a min,150 flats in brum and other stuff its getting out of hand,its just getting the money in is the times I wish we hadnt took them on
No problem mate, fair play til ya, it is hard 2 spread yourself about though, it is a killer getting the money in, i got stung for £1600 just before christmas.